I try to modify the bb file to get the latest code and use the latest defconfig file, then the kernel can boot up successfully.
I think the OE should be updated. Please let OE maintainer to check how to sync with kernel development.
Below are the build instructions:
1. Follow this link to setup OE environment:
2. cd to oe-core
3. source oe-init-build-env hikey
In oe-core/hikey/conf
4. Modify #MACHINE ??= "qemux86" to MACHINE ?= "hikey" in local.conf
5. Add below two lines in BBLAYERS ?= in bblayers.conf
/home/willchen/lhg/96board/hikey/oe/oe-core/meta-openembedded/meta-oe \
/home/willchen/lhg/96board/hikey/oe/oe-core/meta-96boards \
6. bitbake linux-hikey
7. The Image and DTB file will be generated in oe-core/hikey/tmp-glibc/deploy/images/hikey