willchen@willchen-NB:~/lhg/96board/hikey/oe/oe-core/hikey$ bitbake linux-hikey
Parsing recipes: 100% |#########################################| Time: 00:00:39
Parsing of 1482 .bb files complete (0 cached, 1482 parsed). 1960 targets, 105 skipped, 0 masked, 0 errors.
NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies
Build Configuration:
BB_VERSION = "1.26.0"
BUILD_SYS = "x86_64-linux"
NATIVELSBSTRING = "Ubuntu-14.04"
TARGET_SYS = "aarch64-oe-linux"
MACHINE = "hikey"
DISTRO = "nodistro"
DISTRO_VERSION = "nodistro.0"
TUNE_FEATURES = "aarch64"
meta = "fido:b266977372f2d5704d00dd07b29ea49898ebf70e"
meta-oe = "master:a8b76a264155f4b9f6ba1bebe3ac87640a6f35ed"
meta-96boards = "master:4f43c70d636d2b3ab5d20e2cdded0df353323c88"
NOTE: Preparing RunQueue
NOTE: Executing SetScene Tasks
NOTE: Executing RunQueue Tasks
WARNING: QA Issue: linux-hikey: Files/directories were installed but not shipped
/lib/firmware/sb16/ima_adpcm_capture.csp [installed-vs-shipped]
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 407 tasks of which 0 didn't need to be rerun and all succeeded.