On 23 Mar 2016 6:01 p.m., "Grant Likely" <grant.likely@linaro.org> wrote:
> Ugh. The rev-c 96Boards Sensors mezzanine got shipped without a
> bootloader on the ATMEGA. You'll need to flash the bootloader
> yourself, or return the board to get it reflashed. (I recommend doing
> it yourself. It's very simple to do).
> I'm working with Seeed to get the boards shipped from the Seeed Bazaar
> reflashed.
> Here are the instructions. Do this with the Sensors board DISCONNECTED
> from the baseboard.
> https://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/ArduinoISP
> Let me know when you've fixed your board. I'm keeping a list.

Might be some time before I do since all the instructions seem to rely on having another Arduino and I don't have one.

> g.