When I used pre-compiled system.img and other required images on Hikey board.

which are shared from the below path.

I am using below HDMI display and could see android display comes up with the pre compiled images(looks like lollipop AOSP version).


However when I built the latest AOSP code, with generated images.

I have flashed those on Hikey board with same setup above. 

And could not see the display is coming up.

It may be some issue with the display configuration on latest AOSP built,
Got this log from logcat not sure it is expecting built in display rather than HDMI display?
DisplayManagerService: Display device added: DisplayDeviceInfo{“Built-in Screen”: uniqueId=”local:0″, 1024 x 768, modeId 1, defaultModeId 1, supportedModes [{id=1, width=1024, height=768, fps=60.000004}], colorTransformId 1, defaultColorTransformId 1,

On Wednesday, May 18, 2016 at 10:04:08 PM UTC-7, Amit Pundir wrote:
On 18 May 2016 at 04:18, YADLA NIRANJAN <niru...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Latest built AOSP images are not working on Hikey Board.
> Followed instructions to make system.img and other images from the link
> below.
> http://source.android.com/source/devices.html
> Loaded these system.img ,cache.img and userdata.img generated images
> on Hikey board and connected HDMI output from HIkey Board to HDMI
> display.
> However I could not see any display on HDMI screen.
> Please refer the attached logcat.txt and suggest me if I am missing
> anything.

AOSP seem to have booted up fine on Hikey. See
"SystemBroadcastReceiver: Boot has been completed" in your logcat.

Did you try connecting hikey to any other HDMI display?

Amit Pundir

> Thanks,
> NY
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