On 3 March 2015 at 15:22, David Rusling <
david.rusling@linaro.org> wrote:
is there a git repository for the latest kernel? As an aside, I'm
running Debian self hosting via an SSD and a usb ethernet dongle. This
means that I can use Dracut to create the ramdisk. This is all 4.18
based and reasonably stable, although disk I/O seems slow and the file
system does, after a few hours start giving errors. I'll start a Debian
thread on the forum...
https://lists.96boards.org/pipermail/dev/2015-March/000007.html3) 'hikey-mainline-rebase' - cherry-picked patches from the vendor branch
rebased on top of latest Torvalds, currently 4.0.0-rc1