On Mar 3, 2015, at 7:34 AM, Fathi Boudra <fathi.boudra@linaro.org> wrote:

On 3 March 2015 at 15:22, David Rusling <david.rusling@linaro.org> wrote:
       is there a git repository for the latest kernel?  As an aside, I'm
running Debian self hosting via an SSD and a usb ethernet dongle.  This
means that I can use Dracut to create the ramdisk.  This is all 4.18
based and reasonably stable, although disk I/O seems slow and the file
system does, after a few hours start giving errors.  I'll start a Debian
thread on the forum...


3) 'hikey-mainline-rebase' - cherry-picked patches from the vendor branch
    rebased on top of latest Torvalds, currently 4.0.0-rc1

Thanks for the pointer to that post. That’s quite helpful

I wonder if that shouldn’t also be included on the 96boards.org/products/hikey downloads page where github is referenced.

It’s easy to pick out the kernel tree from the github list and it’s easy to see that the branches exist, but it’s hard for the average tourist to know what’s what. 

David Rusling, CTO

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