On 19/04/17 17:20, Ricardo Salveti de Araujo wrote:
On Sat, Apr 8, 2017 at 6:05 AM, Paul Sokolovsky paul.sokolovsky@linaro.org wrote:
Hello Ricardo,
On Tue, 14 Mar 2017 16:41:05 -0300 Ricardo Salveti de Araujo ricardo.salveti@linaro.org wrote:
You could flash a special firmware into the main STM32 MCU and use that to flash nRF51 (https://github.com/blacksphere/blackmagic), but that would require work as I'm not sure anyone did that on this board yet.
Nice that you mentioned that, I had such question in mind for a while. But how would that work - are nRF51's programming pins connected to STM32's GPIOs?
Yes, basically :-)
I've used the BMP firmware a fair bit in the past so I took a quick look to see if it would come to life on the carbon. Results are here:
I've made a pull request but I think it will be a little while before it gets picked up so probably best to use my carbon branch for now...
https://github.com/daniel-thompson/blackmagic.git carbon
Just need to figure out the best way to do it, but it would be quite a nice blog post for sure :-)
I'm might wait to see if there's any movement getting it upstream first... and also, since it "just works" the blog post will be pretty short ;-)