On 11 May 2016 at 21:38, David Long dave.long@linaro.org wrote:
On 05/11/2016 02:38 AM, Amit Kucheria wrote:
On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 4:24 PM, Guodong Xu guodong.xu@linaro.org wrote:
On 10 May 2016 at 08:00, Jorge Ramirez jorge.ramirez-ortiz@linaro.org wrote:
On 05/09/2016 06:56 PM, John Stultz wrote:
> having said that you can force the controller to auto-negotiate with > a > simple "hack" - see this:
>> >> https://github.com/96boards/linux/commit/66869c654a62c91104daf9e17c2d75c057c... > > > not ideal but if you are being blocked by this it might get you > going... > I'll try a recent release in a couple of days and can let you know > what > I > find.
Ok. I've got this running against 4.4 now and it seems to be working ok. I'll be submitting it for review for AOSP, and will make sure Guodong is cc'ed so he can pick it up in his branches.
Thanks for the patch Jorge! -john
sure thing
Thanks, guys. So this feature is now part of hikey-mainline-rebase (v4.4).
You can fetch it from this branch: https://github.com/96boards-hikey/linux/commits/hikey-mainline-rebase (tag: hikey-mainline-rebase-v4.4-20160510)
== TAG: v4.4-20160510
- updated eas-v5.2
- add usb-speed auto-negociate
I've merged the hikey-tracking-usb branch to get this fix. I won't be picking up the eas branch yet.
== TAG: v4.4-20160504
- updated drm, adv7511
adv7511 still conflicts with the QC LT tree. What is the ETA for preparing a non-conflicting branch that Xinliang was working on?
- added panel (LCD) support
== TAG: v4.4-20160429
- added hdmi audio (i2s, k3dma), optee.
== TAG: v4.4-20160317
These are all merged. Thanks. _______________________________________________ Dev mailing list Dev@lists.96boards.org https://lists.96boards.org/mailman/listinfo/dev
If hikey is to work with unmodified upstream code doesn't someone (KWG/Me?) have to make this "hack" (which is in the common USB driver) more palatable?
HiKey is using the designware IP in a special way (silicon defined), which means it lacks functionality of handling simultaneously high-speed and low/full-speed devices when working at USB host mode.
Then the question becomes how can you tell the dwc2 hcd has this limitation (as hikey) or not (as majority SoCs out there)?
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