In recent messages, there were suggestions on having a kind of boot matrix/status as well as dispersed information on status of various features in different builds.
Not pledging to start a general effort on that, but mostly for my own sanity I recorded some notes while trying to get a build which has both HDMI and WiFi working: https://docs.google.com/a/linaro.org/spreadsheets/d/1MlHLKGvEUBC5hm1qfYH4YPn...
I initially wanted to do it in wiki, but it's a bit boring to edit tables in wiki, so I went for gdoc and just added link to wiki for better discoverability: https://github.com/96boards/documentation/wiki/HiKeyBootStatus . If there's something wrong with having such link in wiki, please remove it.
Summary of my findings: the most recent build which has both WiFi and good HDMI is https://builds.96boards.org/snapshots/hikey/debian/124. The latest build as of now, #130, has HDMI output whose size is somehow not size-adjustable on my TV, so lot of framebuffer is off-screen and overall it's not usable.